Dental Care

Proper oral care is as crucial for your pet as it is for you. Contact us to set up an appointment.

Dental (periodontal) disease is common in our furry friends. Over 85% of pets 3 years and older will be diagnosed with dental disease in their lifetime. Our veterinary team can prevent this with regular oral checkups and dental cleanings. Our team can develop a treatment and prevention plan to allow your pet to have a pain and infection free mouth. A healthy mouth is a healthy body!

What signs should I look out for?

Dental disease is a serious infection that can cause issues in other parts of your pet’s body, including their kidneys, heart and liver. If your pet has dental disease, you might notice:

  • Bad breath
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Pawing at mouth
  • Difficulty chewing

What treatment is available for dental disease?

We’ll perform a comprehensive oral health treatment procedure, which includes a surgery for dental scaling, cleaning and polishing performed either by two technologists or a technologist and veterinary assistant. Before the procedure, your pet might need to undergo pre-anesthesia testing and fast for 8 hours. We’ll perform a full oral exam and X-rays, which includes scaling (tartar removal) with an ultrasonic scaler, checking the surface of all teeth for gingival pockets and polishing them.

Can dental disease be prevented?

The best way to prevent dental disease is to ensure your pet’s teeth are cleaned regularly. This means brushing their teeth every day. Using dental diets, sprays, sealers, water additives and dental chews are also helpful. Regular dental appointments are another important component of your pet maintaining good oral health. If your pet is due for a cleaning, please contact us at 902-865-6400.

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