Senior Care

An essential service for diagnosing and controlling health problems in aging pets.

Senior pets might require more care dedicated care to the changes in their body and temperament. You may notice subtle changes in your pet, like reduced mobility or unusual tiredness, that progress overtime, which could be linked to aging. Our veterinary team is here to ensure you and your pet enjoy their golden years to the fullest, with the help of comprehensive healthcare.

When is my pet considered a senior?

Depending on your pet’s breed, they might age at a slower or more rapid rate. For example, smaller breeds tend to age slower so they might qualify for the senior citizen discount by their 7th birthday. Larger pets, on the other hand, age at a faster rate and might only need to wait till their 6th birthday to qualify. Though we don’t technically offer a senior discount at our hospital, senior pets, like our other patients, sure do get special treatment!

How often should I take my senior pet to the vet?

It might be helpful to increase your pet’s visits so we can keep up-to-date with any changes to their health. We recommend booking senior wellness exams for your pet twice a year. As your pet ages, they are more susceptible to health issues like arthritis, cancer, heart disease and other health conditions that worsen with age. Early detection of health conditions means we can diagnose and create a treatment plan that might reduce its impact on your pet’s health. If you need to book your pet’s wellness exam, please contact us at 902-865-6400.

What other changes should I make to my pet’s care?

It’s normal for your pet to undergo changes with aging but this means also making adjustments to the type of care you give them. For example, you might notice your pet has difficulty moving around your home or climbing up the stairs, like they used to. This might mean installing ramps that help with accessibility or moving your pet’s bed or food to easier to reach places. You may also need to adjust their diet to include more easily digestive foods or adjust their caloric intake, with our support, if they’re overweight. Another good idea is to include more stimulating activities into your pet’s daily routine to help them stay mentally active.

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