Ultrasound and X-ray

Painless and non-invasive diagnostic tools that assist veterinarians in identifying issues.

Ultrasound and X-rays are great imaging tools that support us in providing accurate diagnoses for your pet. Depending on which part of your pet’s body needs to be examined, we might recommend an ultrasound or X-ray to give us a better picture of what’s happening with your pet internally.

When might you recommend an ultrasound or X-ray?

An X-ray (radiograph) might help us assess the size and shape of organs like the heart and liver. It might also help us identify broken bones, foreign objects your pets may have eaten, fluid accumulations and help us screen for certain cancers. There are a range of other abnormalities we are able to detect on the X-ray, which help in diagnosing any issues your pet might be having. Ultrasounds can detect any soft tissue-related issues your pet has, by showing three-dimensional images of their gastrointestinal tract, heart and nervous systems. It can also detect the various stages of your pet’s pregnancy.

How do X-rays and ultrasounds capture images?

Both technologies are safe and efficient, though they use different techniques to capture images. X-rays use electromagnetic radiation to highlight targeted areas of your pet’s body. Ultrasound uses sound waves which bounce back and forth with the help of a handheld probe, to create an image of your pet’s internal organs on a monitor. If you have any questions about our imaging technology, please contact us at 902-865-6400.

Does my pet need anesthesia for the procedure?

To ensure we get the best image possible, it’s important your furry friend is as still as possible. We might not recommend your pet go under anesthesia if we believe we can use the imaging tools effectively without it. If your pet is squirmy or very active, we might recommend that they be sedated.

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