Vaccines for Kittens & Cats

Vaccines at 6-8 weeks strengthen your kitten's defences. Protect your beloved feline from illnesses.

Our veterinary team tailors your kitten and cat’s vaccine protocol to their needs. Depending on their age, lifestyle and environment, we’ll recommend specific vaccines to support their health. As part of our commitment to preventive healthcare, we believe vaccinations help protect your pet against harmful diseases which might be fatal.

When should my kitten start getting vaccinated?

We recommend your pet receive a series of three vaccinations, starting when they’re 6 to 8-weeks-old, until they reach 16-weeks-old. During your pet’s appointment, we’ll discuss which risk factors might include the core (essential) and non-core (optional) vaccines your pet might receive. For example, if your pet will spend lots of time outside or will be boarded often, we’ll recommend additional vaccines that a feline friend who is strictly indoors, might not need.

Which vaccinations do they need?

Based on the advice of the American Association of Feline Practitioners Feline Vaccination Advisory Panel, we recommend the following vaccinations:

  • 6-8 Weeks: First shot – Feline Rhinotracheitis/calicivirus/Panleukopenia vaccine (FVRCP)
  • 10-12 Weeks: Second shot – FVRCP and first shot – Feline Leukemia (if needed)
  • 14-16 Weeks: Third shot – FVRCP, second shot – Feline Leukemia (if needed) and Rabies

Do you recommend the same ones for adult cats?

We might recommend booster shots of these vaccinations, depending on the suggested times between doses, which could be 1-2 years. Some vaccinations might provide full protection against diseases while others might reduce the symptoms your pet experiences if they contract the virus. For example, after getting a vaccine, your pet’s body will develop antibodies to fight against a disease, once it comes in contact with them. This means with the help of the vaccine, they might have full immunity against the disease or only develop mild and manageable symptoms associated with the disease. If you’re interested in developing your pet’s vaccine protocol or they’re due for their booster shots, please contact us at 902-865-6400.

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