Veterinary Referrals

Your pet will receive qualified and advanced care from respected professionals.

Our veterinary team offers a range of services that are not only accessible to our community of pets, but also other furry friends who might be referred to our hospital. Regardless of how a pet might have found their way to us, we can guarantee they will receive our highest standard of care. If you’re a client who needs to be referred to another practice, we are connected with a network of expert veterinarians who will provide you with the same quality of healthcare we do.

What procedures do you accept referrals for?

There are a range of procedures we accept referrals for, from general surgeries to ultrasounds. When emailing or faxing our referral form, please include a brief summary of the case. We will follow-up with the client to make an appointment. If you have questions about our referral process, please contact us at (902) 865-6400. Procedures we accept referrals for include:

  • Upper Gastrointestinal Scope/Biopsies
  • Colonoscopy/Lower GI/Biopsies
  • Rhinoscopy
  • Vaginoscopy/Urethroscopy/Cystoscopy
  • Esophageal/Gastric Foreign Body Retrieval

When might you make referrals?

Though we are a full-service veterinary hospital, we have limitations in terms of our expertise. Depending on the case, we might refer your pet to a specialist who is better equipped to deal with their specific case.

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