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Parasite Control and Prevention for Pets

Parasites are harmful internal and external pests that can cause lots of health issues for your pet. Depending on the environment you live in, how often your furry friend interacts with other pets and their lifestyle, might make them more susceptible to parasite infections. It’s important to have your pet on a monthly parasite prevention plan to decrease the likelihood of an infection. If your pet doesn’t have one, please call us at 902.865.6400 to discuss their options.

What are internal parasites?

Internal parasites may include roundworms, whipworms, hookworms and tapeworms that negatively impact your pet’s intestines. They can also be passed on to other family members and can be especially harmful for children, seniors, pregnant women and immunocompromised people. Your pet might contract these from interacting with wild animals like racoons, foxes and coyotes or from eating rats or mice. A puppy or kitten’s mom might pass these on to them when they’re nursing.

What are external parasites?

External parasites are critters that might attach themselves to your pet’s skin, causing infections, skin irritation and other conditions. Some of these include ticks, fleas, ear mites and mange mites. External parasites are often transmitters of infectious diseases that can also be passed on to humans. For example, fleas might feed on pets and pass on Lyme disease, which can impact your pet’s joints and overall health.

Can one medication protect against both?

Depending on your pet’s risk factors for parasite infections, we’ll recommend a preventive medication. This might be one medication that offers broad spectrum protection against a range of parasites or a combination to give your pet adequate protection. Whether your pet receives their medication orally or through an injection, it’s important they take it as prescribed. Other measures you can take to protect your pet include:

  • Checking your pet’s fur regularly for fleas, ticks or other parasites
  • Avoiding over-the-counter medications, unless you’ve consulted our team
  • Contacting us if you notice signs of an infection, like scooting or skin rashes
  • Keeping your yard clutter or garbage free from disease-transmitting animals

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    Had an 8 am emergency with our dog this morning and I cannot say enough about this office...from reception, to…

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